Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Flag of the Kingdom of Leon

This is the flag of the Kingdom of Leon.  It comes from a world where the Reconquista failed and most of Spain remained under Islamic rule.  For many years Leon was forced to pay protection money to Al-Andalus.  However, after a while they were able to appeal to their powerful Christian neighbors for support.  For many years, the boarder of Western Europe was considered to stop at the Pyrenees Mountains.  The Iberian Peninsula was lumped in with the rest of the Islamic World.  This somewhat miffed Leon, as they were often lumped in with the rest of Iberia, when anyone remembered that they existed, that is.   

The discovery of the Americas was delayed by a few decades, but it still happened.  Albeit, it was by the English-funded John Cabot, rather than Christopher Columbus.  The colonization of the New World occurred rather differently than in our world.  For example, Al-Andalus colonized Mexico.  This resulted in a new form of Islam that combined Sunni Islam with tradition Aztec beliefs.  The native converts proved particularly zealous, and more than willing to wage jihad upon their neighbors.  Meanwhile, England colonized Brazil and France proved more successful in its colonization of Canada, among other developments. 

Leon got into the colonization game as well, though a bit later than the other powers.  Their first successful colony was Nova Asturias, located in what would have been the Southeastern United States.  Nova Asturias became a major producer of tobacco, cotton, lumber and other raw materials.  This allowed Leon to slowly build up its economy, rather than blowing through a bunch of money like Al-Andalus' did.  Leon also established colonies in Patagonia, Southern Africa, and even a few islands of Indonesia.  

What Leon lacks in sizes it makes up for in economic prowess.  Recently, despite years of resentment and conflict, relations with Al-Andalus have begun to improve considerably.  Leon is a nation that truly lives up its motto Sub Umbra Floreo, which is Latin for "I Prosper in the Shade".  This is a reference to Leon's historical existence in the shadow of Al-Andalus.

The flag is a simple crimson background with a golden and bejeweled Asturias Cross in the center. 

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