Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Audio File: Hell Gate City Companion

You guys probably know, by now, how it goes when I'm asked to review an audio drama. I'm more than happy to review an audio drama that is asked of me. However, I also don't hesitate to critique anything I find to be lacking. So, with all that in mind, let's get into the podcast we'll be reviewing today. We're taking a look at Hell Gate City Companion.

Hell Gate City Companion is set in Neo Amsterdam. It's a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk future version of New York City. There's a portal that leads straight to Hell in the heart of the city, and demons run wild in the streets. The city is also under the iron grip of an authoritarian government. But radio host Kirby Bevins doesn't let it get him down. He runs a semi-illegal public radio show dedicated to informing and entertaining the people of Neo Amsterdam. Each episode delves into a different topic about life in Neo Amsterdam.

I was first made aware of Hell Gate City Companion when series creator Kevin Berrey. He'd seen my review of We Fix Space Junk. I'm always happy to help those who ask me to listen and review there shows, and so here we are.

Upon listening to Hell Gate City Companion, I was struck by how similar it is to Welcome to Night Vale. We've got a quirky community radio host, in a place where strange and unusual things regularly happen, and with a shadowy oppressive government, but the hosts remain cheery and upbeat despite it all. I should add that Kevin is an excellent narrator, but it was pretty clear to me that he was trying to channel Cecil Baldwin.

Don't get me wrong, I used to love Welcome to Night Vale. I listened to over 100 episodes, but after I got to...was it episode 112 or 120? Anyway, point is, eventually I got tired of it and noped out of it. I didn't like the fact that it was just going on and on, with no end in sight, and doing pretty much the same thing for episode after episode. As such, the last thing I want in an audio drama is something that reminds me of Welcome to Night Vale. So, Hell Gate City Companion was pretty much doomed from the start with me. I tried to give it a chance, but after the first few episodes it was clear that things weren't going to improve in that regard. Also, and this really is a minor point, it's billed a cyberpunk, but I find it to be more supernatural post-apocalyptic.

Ultimately, whether or not you enjoy Hell Gate City Companion will come down to whether you enjoyed Welcome to Night Vale, and you want more of the same. If so, then you'll probably enjoy Hell Gate City Companion quite a lot. If not, then you're better of skipping this one. There really is no getting around this point.

To be perfectly frank, I'm surprised that Kevin hasn't been sued for copyright infringement. Granted, I think there's probably enough differences to keep him out of legal trouble, but the influences from Welcome to Night Vale are pretty obvious. The biggest difference is that Hell Gate City Companion has a tendency to play Current Events Mad Libs. For example, one episode's main story was pretty obviously about the Capitol Riot, but with some of the names switched around. The other difference is that Hell Gate City Companion does not feature any guest music like Welcome to Night Vale does.

Well, I really don't think I can add much more. I didn't care for Hell Gate City Companion, but perhaps you will. I've given you all the information you need to make an informed decision, so decide for yourself.

I think that should do it from me for now. I will see you guys next time.

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