Friday, March 7, 2025

The Audio File: Observable Radio: Season 1 (Part 1)

As many of you know, I got my start on my audio drama listening journey with anthology shows. There’s something magical about having each episode be a new present to unwrap. Each story a new adventure to begin. I suppose it was fitting that I also began my audio drama production journey with an anthology. And as I’m sure you have gathered by now, we shall be reviewing an anthology today. We’re taking a look at season one of Observable Radio

Observable Radio is presented as a series of radio transmissions from parallel universes. Each episode covers a different universe experiencing, if not an apocalypse, then something rather unpleasant. We have a universe dealing with a kaiju invasion. There’s a universe undergoing a ghost apocalypse. There is one where AI has gotten out of control. There’s even one were The War on Christmas has a far more literal meaning. At the beginning and ending of each episode we get some commentary from Trapper or the Observer. They are…well, actually, let’s put a pin in that for now.

As with many things, I first became aware of Observable Radio thanks to the r/audiodrama subreddit. However, they significantly boosted themselves on my radar by listening to my own audio drama The Books of Thoth. Observable Radio recommended The Books of Thoth alongside several other audio dramas they’d been listening to. So, I decided to return the favor by listening to Observable Radio. I’m happy to report that I give them a recommendation as well. Observable Radio is created by Cameron Suey, and performed by an ensemble of actors and actresses.

Observable Radio reminds me a lot of another audio drama I enjoyed: Out of Place. Particularly the second seasons of Out of Place; which also dealt with apocalypses from across the multiverse. Though, Observable Radio is more conventional style audio drama; in the sense it doesn’t rely as much on narration and after action reports to set the scene. Not that there's anything wrong with the latter approach, mind you. Merely an observation on my part.

Now, on that note, there’s something Observable Radio and Out of Place have in common. I couldn’t review Out of Place without getting into serious spoilers. And the same is very much true here. So, if you don’t like spoilers, consider this your first and only warning.

With that out of the way, let us begin.

We’ll start with a brief word about Trapper and the Observer. I have no clue what was going on there. I could never make heads or tails of what they were saying. It was cryptic to the point of being incomprehensible. Also, I felt the show failed to make me care about those bits. I found myself drumming my fingers during those parts and thinking “Get to the good stuff already!” Let’s be real, the transmissions from the parallel universes are the true stars of the show; as they rightly should be. Thankfully, you can ignore the Trapper and Observer segments and you won’t miss out on anything. Well, the season finale will make no sense, but we’ll get into that.

We shall start with “A Night Indoors.” This episode that place in a world that seems to be presently stuck in the 1940s. We start off with a typical American wartime broadcast, big band orchestra and all. However, there is something sinister lurking in the background. And something is about to go very wrong.

There was technical proficiency here. Observable Radio did an excellent job of mimicking the style of a 1940s radio broadcast. However, the writing left something to be desired. What was the message here? Don’t idealize the past? Nostalgia is evil? Was there even a message, or are we trying to subvert expectations. This was, I think, not the best foot Observable Radio could have put forward. But I felt perhaps there was potential for this audio drama. So, I decided to give the next episode a go.

The second episode is “Cattle Drive.” It takes place in a world that is has been experiencing a food shortage. The Barnyard Flu decimated the poultry and pork supply, but cattle industry has never been better. It isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, however. Joseph Clay is a whistleblower who has uncovered a major scandal within the cattle industry. He is currently on trial, and the outcome will have major ramifications for the cattle industry.

I admit, I really wasn’t sure about this episode at first. Initially, I assumed it was going to have an annoyingly preachy pro-veganism message. I’d already been burned by an episode of Wrong Station that suffered from that problem. The technical aspects of “Cattle Drive” were as good as ever, but I was prepared for my eyes to flying out of their sockets from all the rolling.

Then the ending came, and it changed everything. You see, there are two types of twist endings in fiction. The first is the big mystery everything has been building towards. This is sometimes referred to as the J.J. Abrams Mystery Box School of Writing. Such endings can certainly be fun, but they kind of diminish the re-reading/re-listneing value of the works that use them. The second type, however, is one that recontextualizes everything that came before it. These sort of endings increase the re-read/re-listen value of a work. The most famous example of this is Tyler Durden and the narrator of Fight Club being the same person.

The ending of “Cattle Drive” is the second variety. I thought back to how the episode mentions cattle, but never uses the words beef or cow. You see, Soylent Green is people, and so are cattle. Observable Radio had been on the ropes up until this point. I was seriously considering dropping the show. That ending, and how it completely recontextualized everything that came before it, is what convinced me to stick with the show. This was the point the writers officially had my attention, and I had a better idea of what they were capable of.

Sure, there are some nitpicky things I could say. For example, humans would make a pretty horrible food source due to our high caloric requirements. But you know what, I’m willing to overlook it. If the story is good and holds my attention, I can forgive less than plausible plot points.

All this to say, “Cattle Drive” get two huge thumbs up from me. This is the episode you really want to start with for Observable Radio.

Episode three is “Large Models.” It takes place in a world where everything is run by A.I. They deliver food, they run the power grid, they handle emergency services, and of course they produce entertainment. Everything was working perfectly, up until it didn’t. The AIs began to malfunction. Food stopped being delivered, blackouts went unfixed, and society came apart at the seams. We follow a man named Mitch. He is desperate to find other survivors in the desolated wasteland that used to be Los Angles. He has been communicating with a woman named Hope. She claims to know where other survivors are. But hope can be a dangerous thing when you live in desperate times.

Okay, admittedly, I figured out the twists about halfway through the episode. I’m sure you probably have as well. It is often said it is the journey, not the destination, that counts. I don’t completely agree with that. The Mystery Box, as previously mentioned, is an example where not even the journey can salivate the ending. However, it do agree with the sentiment overall. And the journey with “Large Models” was certainly worth it.

Earlier this year, Spotify put out their usual Wrapped recap. They also included an A.I. summary. It summarized my year of listening in the style of a chat podcast with two hosts. It was almost scary how natural and lifelike it sounded. “Large Models” definitely did a good job of replicating the feel of those sorts of AIs. So, major points to everyone in the voice cast.

I am officially agonistic when it comes to A.I. and the future. I do understand the anxiety everyone feels about how arts and entertainment might become automated. Thing is, this isn’t the first time we’ve had this conversation. There was quite an uproar among artists when photography started to take off. The writings and correspondence of those artists sounds very similar to modern artists talking about A.I. There’s this fear that photography would put traditional artists into the poor house. But drawings and paintings didn’t disappear.

The genie isn’t going back in the bottle. We don’t have to like it, or be happy about it, but that’s the hand we’ve been dealt. Personally, the biggest argument in favor of human artists is how annoying AIs can be. I’m sure you’ve all had to deal with the automated phone service. I’d rather talk to an actual human, and describe my vision to them. Same with voice actors. I’ll happily wait for a human voice actor to give me a performance. They are infinitely more likely to know what I mean when I request a specific performance. I don’t use AIs to write my reviews, and I do not intend to change that.

On the other hand, I’m not naive about potential abuse. Imagine how worse scam calls would be if A.I. could perfectly replicate a loved one’s voice. Too much automation would lead to mass unemployment. This is one of the reasons I support some form of Universal Basic Income. There’s also, as the episode demonstrates, the issue of redundancy. Basically, you need to make sure you have enough humans in case the AIs go haywire. So, you don’t want to go all in on automation. At the same time, the AIs won’t always be broken. Which leads back to the mass unemployment issue.

This was certainly a very timely and topical episode. As you’ve noticed by how many tangents I went on. “Large Models” is very much worth listening to.

Our forth episode is “Signs & Signifiers.” The comet Hasegawa is going to be making a rendezvous with Earth. Ah, but don’t worry, this isn’t Armageddon. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean this world will get off so easily. Strange reports have been coming in across the world. It seems that the comet has brought an infection, but not an organic one. This alien invasion is one of sonic origin.

This was certainly not a bad episode by any stretch of the imagination. I enjoyed it overall. However, it did have the misfortune of being sandwiched between two particularly excellent episodes. So, it wound up getting outshone by its siblings. So, it was an enjoyable episode, but just not quite as memorable as some of the other episodes this season. So, let’s move on.

The fifth episode is “The Holiday.” It is set in a world where The War on Christmas has a much more literal meaning. Well, the people of this world simply refer to it as The Holiday. Every year, hordes of children armed with guns, axes, and other weapons duke it out with Santa’s elves on the field of battle. This year, there’s even rumor that the big man himself is going to get involved in the battle.

This was a much more humorous offering that Observable Radio is typically known for. However, it was certainly not unwelcome. There is still some social commentary amidst the humor. You can definitely see a satirization of American gun culture in all of the scenes where parents cheerily talk about weapons shopping with their kids. Come to think of it, there’s a lot of satirizing of suburban America in general. There are scenes of parents who are proud of their kids for enlisting, or being selected, for the big fight. It brings to mind those parents who get way too competitive about school sports. And, of course, nobody thinks to question the annual tradition. After all, that’s not very patriotic. But beyond all the commentary on American life, the idea of a literal War on Christmas got a considerable chuckle out of me.

My present for this episode is two thumbs up.

The sixth episode is “Sweet Hereafter.” The afterlife is real. Or rather, humanity has made it real. AfterCare specializes in creating digital afterlives for all their clients. You don’t have to worry about not having enough time with grandma. Thanks to AfterCare, you can visit her anytime you want. And you can spend as much time…as your subscription plan allows! Isn’t that dandy? But hey, there’s more! AfterCare doesn’t just make digital heaven, it also makes digital hell. That way, criminals and wrong doers will truly have to pay for their crimes. But uh oh, what’s this? It seems there’s been a bit of an issue with the backup files. What will happen to everyone who has been uploaded.

It is a common trope in science fiction to cheat death by uploading your consciousness into a computer. Personally, I’m a little skeptical of how well this would work. The mind is a byproduct of the brain. You can’t just download it like a computer program. All you’d be doing is creating a digital replica of yourself. That’s all well and dandy, but it doesn’t change that fact that I, as an individual, am still doomed to die. AfterCare claims they keep their clients souls on the tapes. But I can’t help but wonder if that’s merely poetic wording. If so, well, then I suppose that’s the point. AfterCare is depicted as a shady corporation.

There’s also, I sense, a commentary on the private prison system with the digital hell. There’s also potential commentary on the death penalty. I see certain parallels. Use the digital hell as a deterrent for crime, but would it really work? Is it needlessly cruel? Should there be a statute of limits for souls in the digital hell? And most pressing of all, what if an innocent soul unjustly gets sent to the digital hell? I can only answer the last question, and I suspect you might know the answer as well.

Well, actually, I do know the answer to one other question? Should you give this episode a listen? The answer is yes, yes you should.

Our seventh episode is “Hollow Ring.” This episode seems to take place in a world where democracy was never invented. Countless dynasties and noble families carve the globe amongst themselves. But this isn’t just lines on a map. There are several megacorporations controlled by noble families. Lord Osmand, the head of House Hanover-Gore has been murdered. It has been quite a while since an assassination has occurred, and this has sent shockwaves across the dynasties. Who is the murderer, and what is their motivation?

There was potential here, but the episode failed to achieve that potential. We get some tantalizing glimpses of this world. We know that Egypt is still ruled by Pharaohs. There’s brief mention of a House of Argos. Perhaps related to Jason of the Argonauts? There’s also mention of a place called Ondonga. Perhaps the Iroquois managed to maintain their independence? Which is odd, given that they didn’t have nobility, and practiced a form of democracy. In fact, the Iroquois Confederacy is the longest continuous democracy in history. Only the Icelandic Althing has been around for longer. There’s also mention of luxury airships. I know some people consider airships a cliche, but I like them.

The further back the point of divergence, the more alien of a world you get. This world was certainly alien, but I felt I never got a feel for how it functioned. I felt like I was being thrown in the deep end without an explanation. I certainly wished we would have gotten to know more about the history of this world.

There was so much potential, but this episode failed to make the most of it. Thumbs down, unfortunately.

Episode eight is “As Below.” We follow a community of folks living deep underground. They tend to their crops and keep the great machine running. It’s just as their sacred forefathers commanded them to do. It isn’t much, but it’s honest work. They hold the great machine in an almost religious revere. But some folks are beginning to question that devotion. Perhaps all is not as it seems.

This was another episode that had potential, but didn’t quite hit the mark. Apparently, according to Observable Radio’s social media accounts, this episode is meant to be a prequel to H.G. Well’s classic novel The Time Machine. A way to explain how the Morlocks and Eloi came to be. I guess I can kind of see that. Wells was making a point about class conflict with the Morlocks and Eloi. Though, Wells also seemed to assume that the middle class would never become a thing. The reveal was certainly fun, but I don’t feel the journey was quite worth it. This episode also had the misfortune of being followed by one of my favorite episodes of Observable Radio, but we’ll get into that next time.

For now, however, I unfortunately have to point in the direction of this episode. Thumbs down.

And this is where I’m going to stop for now. I will split the review into two parts to make for easier reading. We’ll cover episodes nine though fourteen next time. I don’t want to end this half on a sour note. Overall, I very much enjoyed Observable Radio. To whet your appetite, I will add that some of the best episodes are yet to be discussed on this blog. I loved getting to hear all these broadcasts from other universes.

Observable Radio is a fine blend of horror, science fiction, and just a hint of alternate history. Always excellent to find another fellow anthology show. If you think the half was great, wait until you see what the back half has to offer. Speaking of which, I should get to work on part two of this review.

Well, I think that should do it from me for now. I will see you guys next time.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Audio File: Silvertongues

The new year has arrived, but there is still a lot of old business to attend to. Chief among them is that my requested reviews queue has got quite the backlog. So, I’m going to try to put a dent in that. To the best of my ability. Anyway, enough with the rambling, let’s get on to the main event. We’re taking a look at Silvertongues

Roscoe Talbot and Tavi Jones are almost literally in paradise. They run a juice bar in beautiful Hawaii. It’s a simple life, but they don’t have any complaints. Until now that is. Roscoe and Tavi have discovered that there are absolutely no records of their existence. No driver’s license, no social security number, no records of housing or employment. Absolutely nothing. In fact, they can’t even recall anything about their lives from before they started working at the juice bar. Well, there is one exception. They find a news article about Roscoe competing in a limbo contest on the island of Kalalani. Roscoe and Tavi must travel to this mysterious island to uncover the truth about their past. But danger lurks around every corner. Kalalani is ruled by a mysterious figure named Kai. To call him a cult leader is a major oversimplification. Kai has a way with words to a supernatural degree. When he says jump, his followers don’t even have to ask how high, or when to stop. You could say Kai is a real Silvertongue.

Silvertongues is created by Josie Eli Herman and Michael Alan Herman. They both previously created the audio drama The Call of the Void. As you might recall, I quite enjoyed The Call of the Void. So, as soon as Silvertongues was announced, I was very eager to see what Josie and Michael had cooked up this time. And they certainly did not disappoint with their second audio drama.

I should start by discussing the format of Silvertongues. The episodes alternate between main episodes set during the Present Day, and minisodes set seven years earlier. The minisodes do eventually catch up to the start of the main episodes. They’re also very important for unraveling the secrets of Roscoe and Tavi’s past. So, make sure you don’t skip the minisodes.

Let’s start by talking about the soundtracks. Silvertongues has some absolutely fantastic music. The opening theme starts things off strong with some funky 1970s inspired beats. Then we’ve got the closing theme with some groovy disco-inspired music. Of course, the soundtrack is also capable of getting more sober and introspective during those serious scenes. Honestly, the soundtrack for Silvertongues has easily become one of my favorite audio drama soundtracks. Each episode is introduced by the dulcet sounds of local DJ Seth Budarocci. I liked how the last line of the final episode is him giving a sign-off. It was a nice little touch.

I was very excited for the story to be set in Hawaii. I was going on a bit of a Hawaiian kick around the time I listened to Silvertongues. Also, I really wanted to try an açaí bowl after I heard about them on Silvertongues.

I really want to visit Hawaii, and I’ve already got a list of places I want to see. I want to see the Iolani Palace and the Bishop Museum in Honolulu. I want to visit a black sand beach and explore the Hawaiian rainforests. I want to see the lava fields, and I want to visit the Valley of the Temples. It might be fun to go snorkeling too, but we’re getting sidetracked here.

Some of you might be wondering if Silvertongues is set in the same world as The Call of the Void. It was established in The Call of the Void that the multiverse does exist, and we even briefly encountered an alternate version of Topher. Well, Silvertongues does feature the unexpected return of a character from The Call of the Void

Ladies and gentlemen, listeners of all ages, Fargo Kaminski is back. Ah, but Fargo isn’t alone. We also get to meet her sister Tasch. She is just as crazy as Fargo, but also like Fargo, Tasch is quite good at what she does. Tasch is one of the best, if not the best, pilot in all of Hawaii. Granted, her landings sometimes leave something to be desired. She flies an old Soviet cargo plane, well, that’s where most of it came from. The other bits came from here and there, occasionally being held together with duct tape.

Fargo does briefly mention that she dealt with some crazy stuff in the swamps of Louisiana. This would seem to confirm that Silvertongues is set in the same world as The Call of the Void. However, Tasch is voiced by Josie Eli Herman, who also voiced Etsy in The Call of the Void. You’d think that Fargo would have commented on how similar Tasch and Etsy sound. Then again, this is Fargo we’re talking about. It is entirely possible she did notice, but didn’t consider it worth commenting on.

There is a third character who falls into the crazy, yet awesome, category. Darcy Bennet has a name that is clearly a reference to Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. And let’s see, what else am I forgetting? Oh, right. In terms of personality, he’s basically Crocodile Dundee. Yes, Crocodile Dundee, not Steve Irwin. Steve was an awesome Australian dude, wasn’t afraid to get up close with dangerous animals, but he was not crazy.

And don’t bring up the time with the stingray. I get asked that three times, at minimum, whenever I work in the stingray gallery at the Shreveport Aquarium. That was a freak accident. He didn’t see it, and it didn’t see him. It reacted like a scared animal, not out of malice. Nine times out of ten, stingrays will swim away rather than sting. If they sting, there’s a risk their barb will get stuck in whatever they stung. And if it gets ripped out…well, imagine ripping out a fingernail, but twenty times worse.

Getting back on track, Darcy is the go-to guy for, well, just about anything you need. Need a boat on short notice? He’s got you covered. Need someone who knows a thing or two about snakes, deadly and otherwise? He’s your man. He’s also…well, he’s certainly enthusiastic with explosives, at any rate. Darcy is voiced by Michael Alan Herman. I would not have guessed that had I not listened to the credits. I listened a little more carefully after that, and I kind of picked it up. Still, quite an excellent demonstration of Michael’s range.

Now, you might have noticed I’ve been neglecting Roscoe and Tavi. This isn’t because they are bad characters. They were certainly engaging enough. However, much of Silvertongues revolves around their quest for identity. So, it is kind of hard to discuss them without getting into spoilers. There is one more character that we have to discuss before we get to that.

Kai is the titular silvertongue. Well, one of them anyway, but more on that in the spoilers. Kai has what can best be described as the power of persuasion. Everyone who hears his voice is compelled to obey any command he gives. And I do mean any. For example, if he tells you that you are chained to the floor, you will not be able to get up. Doesn’t matter that there isn’t anything physically holding you down. Kai’s power will make you believe that you are chained to the floor. Kai rules over Kalalani as an iron-fisted dictator and wannabe demigod. Kai claims to have been chosen by the gods of the island to rule Kalalani.

I’m a bit reminded of Amy Carlson. She was the leader of the Love Has Won cult who, among other things, claimed to be the reincarnation of the Hawaiian volcano goddess Pele. As you might imagine, Native Hawaiians weren’t too pleased to see a White woman from Colorado claiming to be one of their deities. The cult faced considerable protest when they attempted to move to Kauai.

This does kind of tie into something I’d been thinking about. Now, Hawaii is notable for being the only majority minority state of the United States. Asian are the largest demographic group at about forty percent of the population. Whites, by contrast, are only about twenty-two percent of the population. Hawaii is also the most multiracial state, as mixed race people account for twenty-one percent of the population. Native Hawaiians, of full-blood ancestry, are about seven percent of the population.

I bring all of this up because I kind of felt that Silvertongues was a bit lacking in the diversity department. Now, I have to be fair here. Since this is an audio drama, an inherently non-visual medium, it is hard to tell what race everyone is supposed to be. Also, Kalalani, gives the vibe of one of those exotic resorts attended almost exclusively by rich White people. Still, the lack of Asian people does feel a bit off. Though, granted, this is a common issue with fiction set in Hawaii, but created by mainlanders. The lack of Native Hawaiian characters also creates some slight problems that we’ll get into in the spoilers section.

Speaking of which, the time has come at last. If you don’t want any spoilers, turn back now.

Last chance, are you sure you wish to continue.

Okay, if everyone who wants off the ride is gone, let’s get into it.

When I heard that Michael Alan Herman would be voicing Kai, I joked to myself that Silvertongues might prove to be a gender flipped version of The Call of the Void. As it turns out, this wasn’t entirely off. So, a few years before the events of the story, Kai was exposed to radiation from a meteor. This is how he got his powers. Admittedly, this makes the science fiction in Silvertongues about as soft as it was in The Call of the Void. I’m reminded of those 1950s science fiction stories where radiation was basically magic, and could do whatever that plot required. Of course, it isn’t how hard or soft your science fiction is, but what you do with it that counts. And Silvertongues did tell a very compelling, and thrilling, story.

Ah, but Kai wasn’t the only one exposed to the radiation. A pair of federal investigators were also investigating the meteor. Their names were Roscoe Talbot and Tavi Jones. Roscoe got the same dosage that Kai did, and also has the same ability that he does. Roscoe and Tavi followed Kai to Hawaii. However, it turns out that silvertongues are not immune to each other’s abilities. And thus, the plot was set in motion. I had been suspecting that this might be the case for a while. However, there was an additional twist I didn’t see coming.

Kai has a complete god complex. He believes that the gods of Kalalani have chosen him to rule the island. However, towards the end of the series, it turns out that the gods of Kalalani are real. As you might imagine, they aren’t pleased with what Kai has done to the island. Now, this isn’t bad in and of itself, and there is a lot of potential with the idea. However, I feel it could have come with a bit more foreshadowing. There was nothing to suggest they were anything other than figments of Kai’s megalomania. This is what I meant about the lack of Native Hawaiian characters. Granted, not all Native Hawaiians follow traditional beliefs, but perhaps a character that does could have been used to foreshadow the existence of the gods.

The dynamic between Roscoe and Tavi, when Roscoe is rediscovering his power, reminded me of the dynamic between Etsy and Topher in The Call of the Void. Though, with the genders reversed. Also, I must give praise to Dan Johnson. He made Roscoe sound like the last person who would have anything special about him. Of course, Sabrina Dahlgren, who voices Tavi, is no slouch in the voice acting department either.

By the end of the series, Roscoe and Tavi don’t have all of their memories back. In fact, they might never recover them at all, and will have to move forward with their lives anyway. I was reminded of the experience of people with amnesia. Contrary to what television and movies would have you believe, getting your memories back isn’t as simple as bonking your head again. Sometimes you slowly recover them, sometimes you get some back, but not all. And there are those who never truly recover their memories. For better or worse, our memories are part of what makes us who we are. It can be hard to maintain a sense of identity when you can’t even remember who you were.

The ending of Silvertongues touches on all of these themes. Still, Roscoe and Tavi have each other, and they are as close as ever. So, personally, I give them strong odds and a healthy prognosis. There are a few other revelations I could mention here, but I’ll leave those for you to discover.

There don’t appear to be any plans for a second season of Silvertongues. The series ends on a fairly definitive note. However, season one of The Call of the Void seemed to be closed and done, yet we got two more seasons. We know that there’s been two silvertongues; who’s to say that there aren’t more lurking out there? Alternatively, perhaps there might be other meteors, with other radiation, and other side-effects. I will also add that the ending of Silvertongues didn’t feel rushed like the ending of The Call of the Void’s first season was. Rather, it was more like the satisfying ending of the third season.

Whatever the future holds, I can say that I had a great time with Silvertongues. It was a thrilling adventure set on the sunny shores of Hawaii. It was an excellent follow-up from the team behind The Call of the Void. Come take a thrilling tropical auditory vacation from the comfort of your own home. 

Well, I think that should do it from me for now. I will see you guys next time.